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Ainsley's Hips

This page is a little difficult for me to write, but I believe in total transparency. At the end of January we had Ainsley's hips radiographed. The last test needed to complete her NBC recommended health tests for her CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) number. A few days later we received results from OFA (Orthopedic Foundation For Animals) that her right hip did not pass and the veterinarians found mild changes correlated with hip dysplasia. Because I place such high value on health, this was devastating to me. However, it does not mean she won't be bred or we will throw her out of our showing and breeding program. OFA is very subjective, not necessarily scientific based. When your veterinarian sends in the radiographs to OFA, a panel of 3 board certified radiologists employed by OFA grades them. OFA takes the lowest grade given by the radiologists. So if 2 say Fair (passing) and 1 says mild, it will be mild. Compared with Penn Hip which is scientifically based on measurements.  I have seen worse films than Ainsley's pass before. So why didn't hers? I am putting up images of hers, Peter's and Betty's for comparison. While there are differences, the differences are minimal. Was this a case of a radiologist having a bad day? Maybe? Unfortunately Penn Hip is very costly and there is none near to me.  

There is also very little known about the genetics behind hip dysplasia. Parents with generations of good hips can produce dysplastic hips. Mild hips can produce good hips. Also, as in Ainsley's case, injury can play a roll. She is a jumper and we noticed issues with her right leg in July 2022. Did this play a roll? Maybe, maybe not. In short, if we do decide to breed her, we are confident that there will be no issues with her puppies and will place health guarantees.  

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