Bettering the breed

Generations of Quality
My name is Erin Fischer-Hill, and I am the primary breeder- owner- and handler for any hound that carries the 'Coldwater' prefix. I fell in love with the breed at an early age. When I was 3 my parents owned a pet Beagle named Jesse. From there my dad ventured into the world of competition hunting with great success in ARHA and UKC. I got my taste of field trials but also working our Beagles on the Bench. Finally at the age of 16, I was able to purchase my first AKC registered Show Quality Beagle "Abby" and as they say the rest is history. Now, it is a joint effort in our house between myself, my husband Tim and our son Cael
While you won't find us in the field today, that does not mean that the original purpose is not in the back of our mind at all times. We breed to adhere to the AKC Beagle standard and functionality is a priority. Because our dogs are our pets, in our home and we sell our puppies to be companions we place emphasis on the health and temperament of our dogs.
We hope you enjoy getting to know us through our blogs and touring our home on the web.